Our compassionate team understands the impact that damaged earlobes can have on your self-esteem, which is why we offer comprehensive repair options to address your unique needs. From minor stretched earring hole corrections to complex torn lobe reconstructions, trust us to deliver exceptional results that restore your confidence to wear earrings with earlobe repair in Westchester.
What is Earlobe Repair?
Earlobe repair is a frequently requested cosmetic procedure to treat split earlobes or elongated earlobe holes. This minor surgery can be performed in the office under local anesthesia. The earlobe is cleansed and anesthetized, after which excess skin is removed. Tissue may be rotated depending on the cause of the concern. Skin closure is then performed in layers. There is usually a fine scar when the skin has healed, which Dr. Anaïs Carniciu strives to make as inconspicuous as possible.